Got a call on Monday from a local dentist office to get a price on cleaning the windows. The lady had seen me cleaning the windows at the UPS store back in January and ask for a card. When I got to the childrens dentist office to bid cleaning the windows she mentioned to me that the windows had never been cleaned in the 3 years she has worked for the dentist. As I was giving her the bid I talked to here about a maintenance plan. She could pay one price and have the windows cleaned one time or she could pay less and have the windows clean all year long.
Two things this does for you as a window cleaner. It gives you a more steady income all year long and it makes cleaning the windows easier. Yes the first clean is a little more time consuming but once in good shape the windows are easy to clean the next visit.You can offer different plans at different prices. I like to take the price that the customer would pay for a one time cleaning and give them a break if they will go with a maintenance plan. I offer monthly, or quarterly plans.
You can make up your own plan but push it at the estimate and make it appealing to the customer.
I have about a 25% sales success on my maintenance plans.
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